Top Ten Benefits of Getting a Protection from Abuse Order in Johnson County, KS
1. To protect yourself from physical harm: A protection from abuse order can help protect you from physical harm, including assault, battery, and other forms of physical abuse.
2. To protect your children: If you have children, a protection from abuse order can help protect them from abuse as well.
3. To protect your pets: A protection from abuse order can also protect your pets from abuse by your abuser.
4. To prevent further abuse: A protection from abuse order can help prevent further abuse from occurring by ordering your abuser to stay away from you and your home.
5. To obtain temporary custody of your children: A protection from abuse order can also grant you temporary custody of your children and prohibit your abuser from having contact with them.
6. To obtain temporary possession of your home: A protection from abuse order can grant you temporary possession of your home and prohibit your abuser from returning to the residence.
7. To put your safety first; the abuser will be put on notice that you are willing to take them to court to preserve your safety.
8. To obtain temporary restraining orders: A protection from abuse order can include temporary restraining orders, such as orders prohibiting your abuser from contacting you or coming near you.
9. To get help from law enforcement: A protection from abuse order can give you the support of law enforcement in enforcing the terms of the order and protecting you from further abuse.
10. To get long-term protection: A protection from abuse order is often granted on a temporary basis, but it can be extended for a longer period of time if necessary to provide ongoing protection.